For the first time, three trainees of TUI Business Services will swap their placement in Hanover with a desk at TUI UK & I’s head office in Luton near London. The future office management clerks – Sarah Schilling, Franziska Zoller and Antonia Schultens – will be working in the UK for six weeks, gaining the opportunity to win first-hand experience of day-to-day work in Luton.

“We are delighted to be the ‘pioneers’ here in the UK, and I think that our British colleagues are also happy about our visit,” says Sarah Schilling, one of the trainees. “After only a few days, we have realised that the way colleagues work over here is a bit different – in terms of communication, or the entire layout of the building as an open office,” Franziska Zoller describes her first impressions.

Thanks to their placement abroad, the trainees have the opportunity to experience work at TUI in a different country and gain new experiences. “It is interesting to see that everyday office work differs. Our colleagues here in Luton, for instance, do not use telephones any longer. They use Skype for Business to make calls,” says Antonia Schultens. “I am convinced we will definitely be learning a lot for our everyday work and take home some ideas from our British colleagues,” Sarah Schilling outlines her expectations regarding this exciting time.

“TUI is an international organisation, we operate in more than 100 holiday regions. And we want to enable our trainees, too, to experience this international spirit. The six-week placement in Luton in the Finance & Accounting division of TUI Business Services will not only personally benefit our three trainees, but also every team they will be joining in future,” said Simone Weiss, HR Development & Employee Engagement.

We hope our three trainees will have a great time and gain many interesting experiences in Luton.

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