At TUI, we know people are as diverse as the destinations we send our customers to. Just as travel is about exploration, we are on a journey to make our work culture always more inclusive. Spending time with us, whether you are at work or on holiday, enables you to relax and be yourself in a safe environment. We love to see your uniqueness shine through and inspire the future of travel. Creating an inclusive culture is both challenging and fun – it requires us to step out of our comfort zones, but that’s when we grow personally and in our teams. A sense of togetherness and belonging drives our team culture.
Our goal is to be all-inclusive – when it comes to our people and work culture.
Read more about what Diversity & Inclusion means to us
At TUI, we embrace and foster diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities. As a travel group, we acknowledge and celebrate the diversity we have with employees from over 100 countries worldwide. They reflect the diversity of our customers, investors, suppliers and the global society. Our teams inspire each other to constant innovation because they come from different walks of life.
Thus, we do not accept discrimination on the grounds of national or ethnic origin, race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, family status, religion, belief, disability, age or social origin.
With the TUI Global Employment statement we have committed ourselves clearly: We must not discriminate in recruitment and employment practices. Decisions about hiring, salary, benefits, training opportunities, work assignments, advancement, discipline and termination must be based solely on objective reasons, rather than on the basis of personal characteristics, such as race or ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion or belief, age, disability or sexual orientation. Thus, in line with ILO Convention 111, we aim to avoid all forms of discrimination.
TUI is signatory of the UN Global Compact. Principle 6 covers non-discrimination in access to employment, to particular occupations, promotions and to training, vocational guidance, and in terms and conditions of the employment, such as recruitment, remuneration, hours of work and rest, and job assignments.
We are committed to providing a safe environment free from harassment at work including sexual harassment. We treat all incidents seriously and investigate all allegations of sexual harassment. TUI operates a whistleblower hotline, the TUI SpeakUp Line, where all employees can report by phone or email in various languages their serious concerns on breaches of compliance, including all forms of harrassment. The Integrity Passport, our TUI Code of Conduct., commits to protect employees using the SpeakUp Line in good faith from adverse consequences.
Read more about our measures to promote diversity and equal opportunities
Within the TUI Group, we follow the approach of “freedom within a framework”. Thus within a global diversity framework, our business units adapt the suggested measures to their regional and national contexts. Our Diversity & Inclusion activities are centred around four focus areas:
- Attracting diverse talents
- Building unique teams & communities
- Highlighting newWork Champions
- Promoting business beyond bias
The board takes responsibility for diversity initiatives and has integrated them in their KPIs.
In the different regions, we offer various trainings and guidance regarding diversity, e.g. on unconscious bias or sexual harassment. We have regional community networks that we strive to connect at global level. Mentoring and reverse mentoring programs are offered across the business. We create a family friendly environment where employees can combine work with care obligations for children or elderly relatives. With our “newWork@TUI“ strategy, we offer various flexible work arrangements and forms of child care support. We have a special needs’ travel service that caters for travelers with disabilities and employs colleagues who understand these requirements personally.
With our Group-wide “Spotlight” initiative we have taken our commitment to foster women in leadership to the next level, e.g. by requiring at least one woman to be put on every shortlist. In recruiting, we are piloting unbiased job adverts and anonymized applications.
The non-discrimination principles are clearly communicated to the company’s employees with the TUI Code of Conduct (Integrity passport) that all employees have received, combined with a mandatory online training.
For more than 10 years, TUI has been a signatory to the “Diversity Charter”, a fundamental commitment to fairness and respect, signed by over 3,000 companies.