Useful hints and tips

This section outlines important information to help you guide through any issues or problems within the virtual assessment.

We would like to ensure that your chosen device is compatible with our virtual platform and that you are able to join the event on your selected date and have a seamless virtual experience.

Your device

Preferably you should join the assessment via a desktop or tablet, however you are welcome to join the event using a mobile phone.

Always clear down your cache and cookies from your browser to ensure that no other programmes are blocking your microphone or camera. How you clear your cache will be different on every device, please check google for further instructions.

You should ensure that the device you will be using has the following:

  • Microphone – built-in microphone, a USB microphone or inline microphone or headphones
  • Speaker or headphones (it is recommended that you use headsets to increase the sound quality)
  • In-built camera/webcam

To ensure that your device is compatible for the event, we recommend you join the ‘virtual test room’ here to check that your camera, speakers and microphone are working. We will be using the same type of room on the day.

Your browser

The following browsers are compatible (desktop and laptop)

  • The latest versions of Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10 and macOS 10.14+
  • Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
  • Chrome browser on Android (Android 8+)

Mobile Devices

  • If joining via a mobile device, you can join via Safari browser on iOS version 13.1 or later. Chrome on IOS is also supported in iOS 14.5 or later
  • If using an Android device, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome.

System requirements

  • Optimal browsers: Current or previous version of Microsoft Edge, Google chrome, Mozilla or Firefox
  • Optimal Operating Systems: Windows 10, macOS 10.12+, iPhone 7+, Any mobile device using Android device 8+ with Chrome
  • Unsupported Browsers and Operating systems: We do not support browsers operating systems for which support has been discontinued by the manufacturer (Such as Windows 7)

If you are unsure what your browser or operating device is, please click here to find out.

Internet Connection

It’s important that you access the virtual event with a good/reliable internet connection to ensure that our assessors and candidates can see and hear you throughout the duration of the event. The bandwidth requirements are as follows:

  • Minimum Internet speed: Broadband of 1Mb per second or higher for video-based assessments. This is the equivalent to 3G or higher on your mobile.
  • If you are unsure, check your internet bandwidth using Speedtest.

Need more help?

You can find additional information on the types of assessments and technical issues on the SOVA platform here.

Get in touch with our Candidate Experience Team for any non technical related issues via email:, or by phone during office hours (Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm UK time):

  • Belgium +3222730619
  • Netherlands +31204990756
  • Denmark +4582568097
  • Finland +358931579472
  • Sweden +46858565578
  • Germany +493022382549
  • Greece +302112343672
  • Spain +34911792081
  • UK +4402034990637
  • Portugal +351215569349